Katari hotel phnom penh

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Katari Hotel Phnom Penh

The Katari hotel Phnom Penh offers 7 air-conditioned rooms, each with a minibar and safety deposit box. You can also request a room with a fireplace or a view of the city. You can book your stay by entering your dates in the booking form. You will find the hotel close to many attractions such as YOLO Hostel or Pavillon d'Angkor & Spa.

The 61 rooms are elegantly furnished and decorated with soft natural harmony colours. They are spacious and well-maintained. They come with all modern conveniences and are suitable for two. A king-sized bed is available, as well as a private bathroom and shower. There's also a coffee corner with a view of the capital. You can also have a massage, or a beauty treatment. The hotel also offers parking for cars, and the staff wears masks to prevent the spread of germs.

Couples love the location of the Phnom Penh Katari Hotel. It has a 9.1 rating on TripAdvisor for a 2-person trip. This means you get more bang per buck than other hotels in Phnom Penh. You might consider booking a different hotel Phnom Penh for your pet if you plan on traveling with him.

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